Cambridge Healthtech Institute's Inaugural

Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine

AI Revolution in Personalized Therapy, Precision Oncology, and Medicine

March 26 - 27, 2024 ALL TIMES PDT

Advances in artificial intelligence and generative AI are transforming discovery, drug development, diagnostics, and delivery of healthcare. CHI’s Inaugural Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine conference will explore the potential of AI-driven technologies to redefine personalized medicine. AI thought leaders will discuss AI-driven discovery from genomic and medical data, precision medicine drug discovery and development, impact of generative AI on healthcare delivery, utility of AI in precision oncology, digital medicine and mobile health integration, and impact of AI on healthcare equity and accessibility. The meeting will assemble key stakeholders from technology companies, academia, pharma, healthcare providers, payers, and government to brainstorm the opportunities, challenges, and strategies in the inevitable AI revolution.

Tuesday, March 26

Registration and Morning Coffee7:00 am


8:00 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Kevin Davies, PhD, Executive Editor, The CRISPR Journal; Author, Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing

8:05 am Plenary Keynote IntroductionKeynote Introduction

Damian Verdnik, PhD, Director, Diagnostics, Dx PMO, Invetech

8:15 am

FIRESIDE CHAT: Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Precision Oncology

Kevin Davies, PhD, Executive Editor, The CRISPR Journal; Author, Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing

Douglas Flora, MD, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services, St. Elizabeth Healthcare; Editor-in-Chief, AI in Precision Oncology Journal

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exhibiting immense power to transform the practice of science and medicine, from genome analysis and drug discovery to health data and the practice of medicine. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of oncology. In 2019, clinical oncologist Douglas Flora read Deep Medicine, the best-selling book by Scripps Research President Eric Topol. He was immediately convinced of the power of AI to transform the work of his medical staff—and the lives of his patients. Last year, Dr. Flora launched a new journal, AI in Precision Oncology, to disseminate stories and examples of the transformative potential of AI in oncology. In this fireside chat, Dr. Flora will share his AI epiphany and offer real-world examples of how AI is already changing the practice of medicine—at his organization (St. Elizabeth Healthcare) and beyond.


AI and Genomics Come Together


Kevin Davies, PhD, Executive Editor, The CRISPR Journal; Author, Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing

Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to enable the analysis of trillions of genomic, molecular, clinical, and epidemiological data points, offering unprecedented insights into health and disease, the development of drugs and diagnostics, and empowering precision medicine. Our distinguished panel will review the opportunities, challenges, and innovations in applying emerging AI tools to biological data, and their potential to revolutionize drug development, diagnostics, and precision medicine.


Kari Stefansson, MD, PhD, CEO, deCODE genetics

Atul Butte, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Institute Director, University of California

Pankaj Vats, PhD, Senior Bioinformatics/Genomics Scientist, NVIDIA

Jonathan M. Carlson, PhD, Managing Director, Microsoft Health Futures

Refreshment Break9:30 am


9:45 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Geoff McCleary, Vice President, Global Connected Health, Capgemini

9:50 am

Precisely Practicing Medicine from 700 Trillion Points of Data

Atul Butte, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Institute Director, University of California

There is an urgent need to take what we have learned in our new data-driven era of medicine, and use it to create a new system of precision medicine, delivering the best, safest, cost-effective preventative or therapeutic intervention at the right time, for the right patients.  Dr. Butte's teams at the University of California build and apply tools that convert trillions of points of molecular, clinical, and epidemiological data into diagnostics, therapeutics, and new insights into disease.

10:20 am

Artificial Intelligence in Therapeutic Discovery, Development, and Delivery: From Multimodal Analysis to Individualized Treatments 

Sean Khozin, MD, MPH, CEO, CEO Roundtable on Cancer and Project Data Sphere | Founder, Phyusion | Research Affiliate, MIT

AI is catalyzing rational drug discovery and design using multimodal data and playing a pivotal role in optimizing Phase 1 trial designs. AI-powered approaches are also reshaping clinical development programs through methods such as covariate adjustments and complex biomarkers. The intersection of AI at the point-of-care underscores its capacity to enable personalized treatments via data-driven insights delivered as clinical decision support tools.

10:50 am

Harnessing Human Genetics with AI

Kari Stefansson, MD, PhD, CEO, deCODE genetics

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own11:20 am

Session Break12:55 pm


1:10 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Chris M. Hartshorn, PhD, Chief, Digital & Mobile Technologies Section—CTSA Program, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

1:15 pm

Challenges to Precision X (Health, Medicine, Oncology, Nutrition, etc.): The Need for AI/ML to Become Transformational & the NIH Approach

Chris M. Hartshorn, PhD, Chief, Digital & Mobile Technologies Section—CTSA Program, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

A recent topic of much discussion has been the use of AI/ML for healthcare application; its use for biomedical research is not novel, though its clinical use has increased substantially of late—and simultaneously, understanding of its current limitations. The talk will focus on the challenges of bringing AI/ML to its 'big data' analytical endpoint for the totality of medical evidence, and the NIH funding landscape aiming to address these.

1:45 pm

Integration of AI-Accelerated Solutions in Healthcare to Transform Precision Medicine

Pankaj Vats, PhD, Senior Bioinformatics/Genomics Scientist, NVIDIA

AI-driven platforms are significantly advancing the field of precision medicine, enabling rapid genetic diagnosis, accelerating genomic analysis, and leading the way in drug discovery. Case studies highlight the transformative impact of these technologies such as Nanopore genome sequencing for rapid genetic diagnosis in critical care; GPU-Accelerated analysis of population-scale genomic datasets, and generative AI for small-molecule drug discovery. By leveraging AI, these advancements are improving patient outcomes and driving innovation in medical research and drug development.

2:15 pm

Unlocking the Future: Implementing Precision Medicine with the Power of AI

Partha Das, MD, Global Medical Director, Precision Medicine & Pipeline, Janssen Oncology

The presentation will explore the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. It begins by defining precision medicine and highlighting its promises, including improved outcomes and cost savings. The challenges in implementing precision medicine are discussed, leading to the introduction of AI as a solution. The presentation showcases AI applications across genomics, drug development, diagnostics, and more, with case studies demonstrating its impact. Ethical considerations and collaboration opportunities are addressed, and future trends are explored. The presentation concludes by emphasizing AI's role in revolutionizing precision medicine.

2:45 pm AI Unlocks the Clinical Utility of Spatialomics

Robert Cook, PhD, Senior Vice President, Research & Development, Castle Biosciences

Spatialomics provides a rich data set to interrogate multiple pathways of disease in parallel. Using Artificial Intelligence to interpret these pathways has the potential to unlock new understanding with profound abilities to improve patient management. This talk will explore how this synergy of AI and spatialomics has been used and validated in Barrett’s esophagus to predict a patient’s future risk of progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma.

Session Break3:00 pm

Grand Opening Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:15 pm


4:10 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Mara G. Aspinall, Partner, Illumina Ventures; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Editor, Sensitive & Specific: The Testing Newsletter


Artificial Intelligence Innovation for Precision Medicine

Mara G. Aspinall, Partner, Illumina Ventures; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Editor, Sensitive & Specific: The Testing Newsletter

Eric Topol, MD, Founder and Director, Scripps Research Translational Institute; Executive Vice President and Professor, Scripps Research

A visionary at the intersection of medicine and technology, Dr. Eric Topol articulates the big picture for radical improvement in healthcare through personalized and data-driven medicine. Eric published three books, over 1,200 peer reviewed publications, and provides his reasoned perspective on medical AI frequently on social media. We will discuss his views on the current state of precision medicine and artificial intelligence, including generative AI in medicine, diagnostics, and clinical trials.


AI in Precision Medicine: Innovation and Growth Opportunities


Mara G. Aspinall, Partner, Illumina Ventures; Professor of Practice, Arizona State University; Editor, Sensitive & Specific: The Testing Newsletter

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and precision medicine promises to revolutionize health care. Generative AI, machine learning, and sophisticated computational power promise to enable clinical decision support and diagnostics, support drug development, and optimize personalized medicine.


Chris M. Hartshorn, PhD, Chief, Digital & Mobile Technologies Section—CTSA Program, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Michael Pellini, MD, General Partner, S32

Charity Williams, Partner, Cooley LLP

Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)5:30 pm

Close of Day6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 27

Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am


8:00 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Edward Abrahams, PhD, President, Personalized Medicine Coalition

8:05 am Plenary Keynote Introduction

Paul Beresford, Vice President and General Manager, CDx, Agilent Technologies


The State of Innovation in Diagnostic Testing for Personalized Medicine


Edward Abrahams, PhD, President, Personalized Medicine Coalition

Integrating diagnostics into clinical care faces numerous challenges, including regulatory, reimbursement, and clinical adoption among others, before the promise of personalized medicine can be realized. This panel, with support from the Personalized Medicine Coalition, will consider these barriers and propose solutions to overcome them.


Peter Bach, MD, CMO, Delfi Diagnostics

Christopher Conn, PhD, Global Director, Clinical Biomarkers & Diagnostics, Diagnostics Strategy Lead, Amgen

Jeffrey Venstrom, MD, CMO, GRAIL

Justin Odegaard, MD, PhD, Vice President, Clinical Development, Guardant Health

Paul Beresford, Vice President and General Manager, CDx, Agilent Technologies

Transition to Sessions9:00 am


9:05 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Douglas Flora, MD, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services, St. Elizabeth Healthcare; Editor-in-Chief, AI in Precision Oncology Journal

9:10 am

AI in Medicine—Is the Promise Real?

Douglas Flora, MD, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services, St. Elizabeth Healthcare; Editor-in-Chief, AI in Precision Oncology Journal

Dr. Flora will delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine. The speaker will open with an engaging discussion on the promise of AI in transforming healthcare. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the current applications and future possibilities of AI in the medical field. The talk will serve as a primer for clinicians, industry experts, and researchers who are eager to understand whether the hype surrounding AI in Medicine is justified or merely an illusion. The speaker will provide real-world examples and success stories, showcasing how AI can revolutionize diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient care. By attending this talk, participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the transformative power of AI in Medicine and its potential to improve healthcare outcomes.

10:10 am

Informed, Data-Driven Patient Care in Oncology

Ezra Cohen, MD, CMO, Oncology, Tempus Labs, Inc.

A decade ago, somatic genome sequencing disrupted oncologic management paradigms by informing personalization of therapy. Presently, the combination of multiomic, pathologic, radiographic, and clinical data is further revolutionizing oncology by shifting from personalized to truly individualized care. This lecture will discuss some technologies being developed to improve treatment decisions and patient outcomes.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:40 am

11:25 am

The Rise of Phenomics

Scott Penberthy, PhD, Managing Director, Applied AI, Google Cloud

Phenomics is a new, AI-driven approach to oncology and health care pioneered by Dr. Leroy Hood, a pioneer of genomics, next-generation sequencing, and the human genome project. We'll discuss how phenomics combines data from nanoscale, next-generation sequencing reads to the daily steps on a Fitbit to diagnose, debug, and repair our bodies in often dramatic ways—today.


Navigating the AI Revolution in Precision Oncology


Sanjay Juneja, MD, Hematologist & Medical Oncologist, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center

The discovered value of precision and molecular therapy, both on a tumor level as well as that relating to germline polymorphisms, has made the research and discovery of clinically relevant biomarkers explode. In a field already starved for physicians to fulfill our country's unmet cancer needs, how can AI immediately alleviate the growing concerns of health inequity as it relates to democratizing optimal care?


Douglas Flora, MD, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services, St. Elizabeth Healthcare; Editor-in-Chief, AI in Precision Oncology Journal

Ezra Cohen, MD, CMO, Oncology, Tempus Labs, Inc.

Scott Penberthy, PhD, Managing Director, Applied AI, Google Cloud

Sean Khozin, MD, MPH, CEO, CEO Roundtable on Cancer and Project Data Sphere | Founder, Phyusion | Research Affiliate, MIT

Session Break12:55 pm

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own1:00 pm

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)1:30 pm

Close of Artificial Intelligence in Precision Medicine Conference2:00 pm

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Implementing Precision Medicine

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Spatial Biology and Single-Cell Multiomics

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